Call for projects: Transportation Alternatives funding

The TPO is seeking projects for Transportation Alternatives funding.

This federal funding source typically goes toward projects and programs to improve the safety of people walking and bicycling. The TPO receives about $750,000 in TA funding annually. However, more costly projects may be submitted for TA funding, as the TPO has other funding that can be added to projects that are selected for funding. A minimum 20 percent local match is required. 

The Federal Highway Administration has additional information on the TA program, including what types of projects and programs are eligible for funding, and who may receive funding. 

If a local government has submitted a project in 2016 for the TPO Mobility Plan update, they do not need to submit an application for TA funding. They can simply inform TPO staff that they would like the project considered for TA funding. 

The application is available in two formats:

Applications/notifications are due July 13 at 5 p.m. to